Our company serves North Central Florida, USA.

Please refer to the map below for the counties we travel to.




Contact us for more information and

your specific information with the button link below.




Apiary Management- We work to meet your bees needs, including treatments, inspections, assistance with swarming and hive recovery.


Swarm and Colony Rescue, Rehome & Extractions- We will clear the space, indoors or out, of the unwanted honeybees and give them a new healthy home.


Honey Extraction Service- A mobile extractor comes to you at harvest time. Let us know what you need; from removal of the honey supers to harvesting, bottling, and then replacement of the supers. We'll even clean up the mess. We have all of the equipment and supplies to help you enjoy and share your honey.


Apitherapy Sessions and bees provided for healing


Well-Beeing Events, public and private



Education, Classes and Consulting- 

  • Presentations for school, scouts, home-school groups, individuals and families; designed to meet your needs and requirements by professional educators

  • Mentorship or issue specific consulting in the art and practice of natural beekeeping

  • Classes and Experiences for "newbees" or those newly interested in beekeeping, also for specific CIE & course requirements

  • Seasonal informational meetings

  • Research opportunities



Seasonal WILD, RAW, PURE HONEY in 2oz, 4oz, 12oz, & 16oz sizes,

available in both plastic and glass jars

Comb Honey in jars

Creamed Honey (finest round crystal) in small or large jars


Propolis Products- from local hives, produced with precision temperatures and organic base ingredients

Raw Propolis sold by ounce

Healing Salve in 2 sizes

Roll-On Oils

Cosmetic Grade Anti-Wrinkle Balm


100% Natural Beeswax Candles

in pillar, votive and seasonal styles


Honey Soaps in a variety of styles,

shapes and scents